People started domesticating wild chickens over 5,000 years ago. Over this time we have selectively bred into the chicken characteristics to make them not only better layers but also to produce a wide range of sizes, colours and feather types, from the common Isa Brown to the exotic and adorable Silkie Bantam. If all 200 breeds of the modern domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus) could be assembled in one place it would make for a very interesting and colourful family photo! Generations of selective breeding have made chickens one of the most widespread, useful and beloved domestic animals in the world – it’s hard to imagine life without them. Thankfully, our understanding of how to care for them has evolved in step, and it’s easy to look after them just as well as they’ve looked after us. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DOMESTICATED CHICKEN ALL OF THE HUNDREDS OF BREEDS OF DOMESTIC CHICKENS FOUND TODAY HAVE A COMMON ANCESTOR IN THE RED JUNGLE FOWL (GALLUS GALLUS) OF INDIA AND SOUTH EAST ASIA, WHICH IS STILL FOUND IN THE WILD. DID YOU KNOW? DNA analysis has shown that chickens are the closest living relative of dinosaurs such as T-Rex. PART 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO OUR FEATHERED FRIENDS 6 | THE CHOOK BOOK