FOREWORD People and chickens have been living side-by-side for a very long time. Our feathered friends were digging up worms and laying fresh eggs in backyards over 5,000 years ago. And from the beginning, they’ve had people all over the world asking the big question: which came first, the chicken or the egg? At Barastoc we firmly believe in putting the chicken before the egg. More than 75 years of experience in feeding poultry have taught us that healthy, happy and well-nourished chooks produce better eggs, more often – which means more delicious, nutritious, breakfasts for you! When it comes to taking care of backyard chickens, they give back what you put in. That’s why we’ve put together the Barastoc Chook Book, to give you all the information you need to feed and care for your own flock of laying hens. The Chook Book also includes an overview of caring for other poultry, such as turkeys and ducks, as well as a section on the Barastoc range of feeds and how to use them. Keeping chooks is incredibly rewarding, and with a little guidance anyone can do it – after all some of the best backyarders we know are kids! Your chooks aren’t just champion layers-in-training; they’re affectionate, interesting and intelligent creatures that will give you years of companionship with the right care. Whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced backyarder, we hope that the Chook Book will be a helpful guide for you. If you’d like more information about anything in the Chook Book, please call Ridley Sales & Support on 1300 666 657 2 | THE CHOOK BOOK