FOR THEIR EGGS Eggs are considered one of nature’s most complete foods, containing essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Just two eggs will supply the following percentage of daily dietary requirements2 : Protein 25% Calcium 6% Phosphorus 21% Iron 14% Iodine 29% Kilojoules 581 Vitamin A 32% Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 11% Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 29% Vitamin B12 40% Vitamin D 8% LAYING WILL TYPICALLY PROVIDE YOUR FAMILY WITH HENS EGGS OR MORE A WEEK 3 18 Which is probably more than enough to meet your needs. And nothing tastes better than a really fresh egg! Unless of course it’s a really fresh egg turned into custard, or cake. 2  Source; Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Food Standards Code. THE CHOOK BOOK | 19