INTRODUCING BIRDS TO THEIR NEW HOME We all know how stressful moving house can be, and it’s no different for your chickens. It’s important to make the transition as easy as possible for your new flock. Prepare the hen house by sprinkling fresh wood shavings on the floor and bed up the nesting boxes. Place feed and water inside, ready for the new arrivals. The new chickens might be a little stressed on arrival and should be allowed to acclimatise in their new home. Keep them within the hen house for around a day before allowing them out to roam and explore the garden. INTRODUCING NEW BIRDS TO AN ESTABLISHED FLOCK Chickens are ‘social’, but not always ‘friendly’. Existing flocks have well defined social hierarchies which need to be re-established when new birds are introduced. Be prepared for some aggressive behaviour, such as pecking and chasing, in the first 2-3 days as the birds work out where they sit in the pecking order. Once this is established, peace is normally restored. During this period of adjustment, watch out for excessive bullying and injury to birds. If you’re concerned for the wellbeing of the newcomer, remove her from the hen house, allow her to recover, and then reintroduce her at a later stage. PART 3 ESTABLISHING YOUR OWN HOME FLOCK 30 | THE CHOOK BOOK