If you want to raise your own chicks then it is critical to ensure that they have the correct nutrition. This will set them up to become healthy and productive adults and allow you to get the most out of your flock. This is important regardless of whether you keep your flock as companions, like to show them or keep them for their eggs.
In the first stage up to 8 weeks of age, chicks are going through a rapid growth phase. They are growing vital organs, muscles, feathers and skeleton as well as staying healthy and exploring the back yard. The feed that they eat should contain high levels of energy along with protein and balanced amino acids for muscle and feather growth as well as health. Vitamins and minerals are also important as calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D are essential for bone growth and strength. Just like us, chicks need multivitamins to grow and stay healthy so it is important that these are also in the feed.
Barastoc Chick Starter provides all of these nutrients in a crumble format that is ideal for small beaks. It should be provided in unlimited amounts to allow chicks to have good feed intake. This ensures that growth isn’t limited. If you are incubating and hatching your own chicks then scatter feed around the feeder for the first few of days to make sure that chicks can find feed easily and learn where the feeder is.

In the second stage from 8 weeks to 16 weeks of age, chicks become pullets. This is their teenage stage where they aren’t growing as rapidly but still need the same nutrients that they did as chicks, just in lower amounts. During this stage the pullets need energy, protein and balanced amino acids for muscle and feather growth. Pullets go through a moult during this stage so it is important that their feed contains levels of protein and amino acids to support this. During this phase pullets require a feed that supports these processes without allowing them to gain too much weight. An overweight pullet at point of lay won’t lay as many eggs. Pullets should be around 1.4 to 1.5kg at point of lay depending on the breed.
Barastoc Pullet Grower contains energy as well as 15.5% crude protein and balanced amino acids to support slower growth and weight maintenance of pullets, feather growth and health. It also contains balanced levels of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D to support the continued growth of bones. Strong bones at this stage will support the hen in maintaining shell strength as a laying hen, particularly when she gets older. Trace minerals and vitamins are also provided to meet the requirements of the pullet during this stage of her life. Barastoc Pullet Grower is a crumble to prevent selection and allow the pullet to get all her nutrients in an easy format. Feed should be provided in feeders and birds should have unlimited access at all times.

Both the Barastoc Chick Starter and Pullet Grower contain an anticoccidial medication. Coccidiosis is a disease caused by the intestinal Eimeria parasite which can affect the weight gain of chicks and pullets or in severe infections can cause the chick or pullet to die. This is an important medication to provide to chicks and pullets as they are most at risk from infection. However, it is just as important that pullets are changed onto a layer feed two weeks before they start laying as the anticoccidial medication should not be fed to hens when you are eating their eggs.